Thank you for supporting PeaceJam UK

We are run mostly by volunteers, with no office costs or other overheads, which means your donation will go directly to helping us run our PeaceJam events, take our peace education programme to more schools and youth groups, and support our partnership and fundraising work.


Will allow a young person from a low-income background to attend one of our PeaceJam Youth conferences.


Will provide a full bursary for a young person from a low-income background to attend one of our PeaceJam Youth conferences, with travel and accommodation costs for the weekend.


Will enable us to run a regional training (CPD) for teachers and youth workers in a particular area.


Will give a youth group free access to all of our educational materials and curricula, as well as training and support from our education team.


Will pay for a school to have free access to all of our educational materials and curricula, as well as training and support from our education team.

Ways to Donate

Pay by PayPal

Pay by BACS transfer to:

PeaceJam UK
Account Number 65921483
Sort Code 08 92 99

Send a cheque made payable to 'PeaceJam UK' to:

Sally Milne
PeaceJam UK Treasurer
5 Honor Oak Rise
London SE23 3QY

Thank you for your support!